I usually have to convert hex code to Lispworks' color-spec. And here's some interesting ways to separate color components from hex code in Lisp.

Assuming we have hex string like "#AABBCCDD" or #ABCD, to collect its r, g, b, a and convert them to single-float in range 0-1:

Parsing Each Byte

Parsing hex numbers in string maybe the most straightest. One way is to use parse-integer on each part of the code like this:

(parse-integer (subseq str i (1+ i)) :radix 16)

But if you prefer a way more "lisper", you can also use read instead of parse-integer. This may be more flexible:

(let ((*read-base* 16))
  (read-from-string (subseq str (1- i) i)))

To split out substrings, we can use subseq with an arithmatic loop; and with string-trim to cut off junks:

(loop with str = (string-trim '(#\# #\Space) hex)
      for i from 0 below (length str) by 2
      collect (parse-integer (subseq str i (1+ i)) :radix 16))

Now we have collected a list, but it can be annoying to manually re-order them. We can take a few changes to our loop keywords to adjust the list, using downfrom and above; and, it's more convenient to use destructuring-bind here, which can apply the versatile Ordinary Lambda List facility:

(destructuring-bind (b g r &optional (a 0))
    (loop with str = (string-trim '(#\# #\Space) hex)
          for i downfrom (1- (length str)) above 0 by 2
          collect (parse-integer (subseq str i (1+ i)) :radix 16))

There's two types of Hex color expression: One is (unsigned-byte 8) of each unit and has a deno of 255, another is (unsigned-byte 4) and has a deno of 15. We can distinct them by their length:

(destructuring-bind (b g r &optional (a 0))
    (loop with str = (string-trim '(#\# #\Space) hex)
          with deno = (if (> (length str) 4) 255 16)
          for i downfrom (1- (length str)) above 0 by 2
          collect (/ (float (parse-integer (subseq str i (1+ i)) :radix 16))

Finally we can encapsulate the code into function, for example if I need a Lispworks' color:color-spec:

(defun hex-to-spec (hex)
  (destructuring-bind (b g r &optional (a 0))
      (loop with str = (string-trim '(#\# #\Space) hex)
            with deno = (if (> (length str) 4) 255 16)
            for i downfrom (1- (length str)) above 0 by 2
            collect (/ (float (parse-integer (subseq str i (1+ i)) :radix 16))
    (color:make-rgb r g b (+ (- a) 1))))

Byte Shifting

There's another choice of using byte-shifting instead of apply parse-integer on each part. It maybe more effective, but we need slightly longer code:

(defun hex-to-spec (hex)
  (let* ((str (string-trim '(#\# #\Space) hex))
         (hex-val (parse-integer str :radix 16))
         (deno (if (> (length str) 4) 255 15))
         (shift (logcount deno)))
    (let ((b (logand hex-val deno))
          (g (ash (logand hex-val (ash deno shift)) (- shift)))
          (r (ash (logand hex-val (ash deno (* 2 shift))) (- (* 2 shift))))
          (a (ash (logand hex-val (ash deno (* 3 shift))) (- (* 3 shift)))))
      (apply #'color:make-rgb
             (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (/ (float f) deno))
                     (list r g b (+ (- a) deno)))))))

Why I Write This

Improving personal ability is always a hard odyssey. This is what I've done at the first time I got this requirement:

(defun hex-to-spec (hex)
  (let ((hex-list (case (length hex)
                    (4 (mapcar #'string
                               (loop for i from 1 to 3 collect (schar hex i))))
                    (7 (loop for i from 1 to 5 by 2
                             collect (subseq hex i (+ 2 i))))
                    (5 (nconc (mapcar #'string
                                      (loop for i from 2 to 4 collect (schar hex i)))
                              (list (string (aref hex 1)))))
                    (9 (nconc (loop for i from 3 to 7 by 2
                                    collect (subseq hex i (+ 2 i)))
                              (list (subseq hex 1 3))))))
        (deno (if (< (length hex) 6) 15 255)))
    (apply #'color:make-rgb
           (mapcar #'(lambda (f) (/ (float f) deno))
                   (mapcar #'(lambda (s) (parse-integer s :radix 16))

That's surely awful. But after weeks of exploration, I can finally write a more elegant code above. I hope this post can be a documentary of my growing, telling me that I can do better with my endeavour. And you, I hope you can do it too.